Contact a Highly Experienced General Personal Property Appraiser Now
Contact a General Personal Property Appraiser NOW
William M. Novotny
Appraisal Services
Call or Email Now to discuss my appraisal fee.
Over 40 Years’ Experience Personal Property Appraisals
William Novotny is a Southern California, Los Angeles area, personal property and antiques appraiser that has conducted hundreds of personal property appraisals. He can value your antiques, art, collectibles, household goods, and your rare and unusual personal property. He sometimes finds rare treasures! He has performed competent personal property appraisals for most types of antiques and personal property and most types of personal property appraisal uses.
Intended Use Drives the appraisal process
Please provide the following helpful information in the email:
What is your intended use (purpose and objectives)
Are there others that will be intended report users?
General property types involved
Best estimate of total number of objects
Time constraints or deadlines? Other needs?
Fill in and submit the form to the left.
Individual and Rare Objects Are Identified and Valued With Research Ordinary Residential Contents Are Often Valued Based on 40+ Years of Experience
CORONA VIRUS "Shelter in Place" Stay Safe - Enquire about a remote, face to face and live online personal property appraisal on Face Time or Zoom NATIONWIDE Click Here: Online Antique Appraiser
Novotny has been a full-time personal property and antique appraiser since 1993. He has been an Accredited Member of the International Society of Appraisers (ISA) since 1996. Novotny has 40 years of full-time market background experience that includes common household contents, rare and unusual antiques, and most personal property types. It is unlikely, when appraising a houseful, that he would fail to recognize and identify your rare and exception objects. Call now for a personal property appraisal (626) 292-2224.
Markets change over time. Many objects highly demanded in the 1970 and 1980's, began to witness decline in the late 1990s. Since 2007, demand has significantly plummeted. Older generations passed on and prices for brown furniture and common collectibles began to plummet. New generations have different needs and priorities. Regardless clients need to be properly informed to make good decisions regarding trust management and decision-making and downsizing etc.
Often, value is irrelevant when liquidation is the intended objective. It is best to find out quickly one way or another. Novotny is familiar with most object types, common market levels, and market options (relevant to demand for specific objects)
Bill Novotny was an antique dealer from 1979-1999 with several retail locations throughout Los Angeles and an active exhibitor at antique shows and malls. Novotny welcomes complex and challenging assignments.
He will not accept any assignment unless he is competent to complete it credibly. When you need to know the value of many different types of antiques and personal property remember: "When value is in doubt - Find out!" - Call or "Submit" an email to contact Novotny now.
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No free appraisals.
No valuation service will be provided without a contract.
Please note that Novotny does NOT buy any personal property. Any such interest would appear as a conflict of interest.