Property Types Appraised
Credible Appraisals by William Novotny

Complete Residential Contents Appraised 40+ years of valuation and pricing experience on multiple market levels
Enquire about a remote, face to face and live online personal property appraisal on Face Time or Zoom NATIONWIDE Click Here: Online Antique Appraiser
William (Bill) Novotny is a complete residential contents appraiser in Los Angeles. A general personal property appraiser must be competent to value general antiques and personal property of most types, both rare or common and ordinary. Bill Novotny has bought, sold, priced, and valued most property types, whether common and ordinary or rare, unique and valuable. Throughout Bill's 40+ year career, he has bought, sold, and studied Native American objects, Far Eastern Asian objects (China, Japan & Korea). Please review the general Types of Property section below on this page.
From 1979 to 1999, Novotny was a full-time,
Los Angeles general antiques and personal property dealer with several stores. Bill's 20,000 square foot general antiques store, which he opened in Glendale, CA in 1979, was soon filled with antiques, fine art (mostly plein air), native American and Asian objects of many types, pre-industrial revolution historical objects, craftsman period, mid-century and contemporary objects, general collectibles, a quarter-million rare records, vintage toys, photographs/cameras, etc. and general residential contents such as appliances, sporting goods, and all types of residential contents. In other words, "All sorts of stuff". Novotny has essential market experience in the retail, orderly liquidation, and wholesale market levels for most property types, both common and rare. Read some testimonials on Yelp and Angie’s list.
(Right: After Jeremias Metzger) An 1860 antique electrotype copy of a 16th century reticulated brass clock with nine winding holes and multiple apertures on four sides, 12”
Find out more about Novotny and the services that he offers. Visit his Home Page.

General Antiques Personal Property Appraiser
(Right) Charcoal and Graphite on Paper
Norman Rockwell (American, 1894-1978)
Untitled, depicting a jury, signed and dated 1942
Available for view at the San Gabriel Country Club
Appraised by Novotny
Some objects are unique, rare, and very special. A generalist appraiser must be competent to identify rare and important objects. In each and every assignment, the appraiser must be competent to identify, analyze, and value every object included in the assignment. The task is daunting; knowledge and experience matter.
Call Novotny now: (626) 292-2224 (sorry, but no free appraisals)

The Nearly Limitless Universe of Objects Found by a General Personal Property Appraiser
Novotny's knowledge and experience varies with the objects listed below. Many rare, collectible, and specialized object types exist undiscovered in people’s homes. He can find such hidden treasures and often does. He can also appraise commonly found objects with little or no research. He understands the various markets that may be relevant to different object types. Market value can differ significantly from replacement cost. As the value for an object increases, so does the requisite diligence needed to establish the credibility of his opinions, analyses, and conclusions relevant to intended use.
Over his 40+ year career, he has developed an extensive network of credible specialist consultants willing to work with him as a consultant. However, he is usually able to work independently. He is able to identify and analyze relevant quality and value characteristics as well as the market responses to those characteristics. There are types of personal property that Novotny declines to value such as gems and jewelry, stamps, coins, machinery and equipment, livestock and airplanes, etc. There is a long list of very specialized objects that require a specialist rather than a generalist. For such objects, he often consults with experts that are recognized as competent among his peers. More often than not, he is able to complete most general residential contents appraisal onsite without consultation based on his market research and experience.
Consultation, when needed, will help
Confirm a value opinion,
Confirm the identification of the item, or
Inquire whether there are relevant value characteristics not considered, and
To confirm the likely response of market participants to the identified object characteristics in the market.
He will do everything within his power to avoid significant error. Consultation demonstrates diligence and not a lack of competence.
Such assistance, when significant and rendered, is disclosed in Novotny's signed certification and explained in his report.
Types of Property with which Novotny has object and market knowledge,
Some of which is limited. The good news --- He knows his limits!
Fired metals: gold, sterling silver & plate, bronze, copper, iron, steel, pewter, and lead objects
Fired clays: historic and modern porcelain, pottery, earthenware, stoneware, yellow-ware, red-ware, and general ceramics,
American and European art and production pottery of the early 20th century
Fired glass: historic and modern blown or molded glass or crystal, art glass, American and European
The history of technology applies such as tool marks, wear patterns, patina, What style? What period? Provenance? Is the object hand or machine made?
Art: Fine, collectible, and decorative paintings, drawings, prints, sculpture, bronzes, carvings, collage, photography, etc.
Antique furniture: American regional, European, Asian, mid-century, craftsman, and general 18th, 19th, and 20 century
Clocks antique: most types of tall case, mantle and wall clocks, collectible wrist and pocket watches
Collectibles: rare records, badges, dolls, salesman samples, games, fishing/hunting items, rare tools, advertising, sporting objects, limited editions, figurines/plates/prints, vintage toys, and iron mechanical banks
Common and ordinary residential contents: furniture, appliances, sewing, tools, sporting goods, electronics, exercise equipment, kitchenware, etc.
Decorative art: wall coverings, floor coverings, lighting, garden objects, architectural objects, accessories, and small objects
Ephemera: books, comics, magazines, photographs, posters, advertising, documents, autographs, etc.
Instruments: navigation, medical, scientific, cameras, barometers, music boxes, musical players and instruments, pianos, automatons, patent models, scientific discovery, etc.
Military objects: uniforms, helmets, buttons, patches, medals, weapons, firearms, knives, swords, etc.
Objects: carpets/rugs, clothing, pottery, beadwork, baskets, carvings, Kachina, weapons, etc, tourist and ritual
General cultural objects (for daily or ritual use or tourist objects): Oceanic, Asian, Far Eastern, European, African, Mexican, South American, European, folk art, carvings, ritual, and art objects
Rare Records: Novotny had a rare record business with a quarter-million LP's, 45's and 78's as part of his 20,000 and 8,000 square foot antique store for over 15 years.
Silver: antique and current flatware services, hollow-ware, American, British and European, Chinese export repousse silver
Textiles: rugs, carpets, tapestries, quilts, samplers, clothing (ordinary or vintage), linens, lace, etc.
Transportation and travel: planes, trains, and automobile memorabilia, signs, posters, mascots, models, etc.

Above: Mahogany Capital
Back and Front Bar, 24' wide,
Brunswick, Balke and Collender Co.

Novotny Has Appraised Collections of Antique Toys, Iron Banks, Coin-op Amusement Instruments, Slot Machines, and more...
On February 13, 2012, Novotny inspected a collection of antique iron mechanical banks and vintage toys with an expert. The surface paint on banks is a critical value factor. A bank must have 90% or better of the painted surface, and be rare, to qualify for acceptance into the specialized auction collector's market. Otherwise, the bank may need to compete on eBay or local general auction market to find a buyer, especially if there are other problems. A few percentage points (on a 1-100 scale), or the location of a paint chip, can make a significant difference to a collector. Missing traps, replaced parts, over-paint, and stress cracks can profoundly impact value. Variant colors or alternate features can make a bank rare. Condition is a critical factor. Various properties have rating scales that are specific to the property type and commonly used by market participants. Good quality digital photos from all relevant perspectives can reveal the information needed.
In 2017, he appraised a large and important antique metal toys and iron banks collection for trust management. A few years before he appraised a warehouse filled with large amusement park coin-op instruments.
Similar types of value characteristics would also apply to other collectible object types such as vintage firearms, instruments, tools advertising signs, cars, motorcycles, bicycles, etc. for which original surface and parts play an important role.
The Universe of Unique Possible Objects Sometimes Found in Complete Residential Contents Appraisals
An appraiser of complete residential contents must be knowledgeable about all the major worldwide civilizations and their history of manufacture and trade in such objects. The appraiser must be tireless, determined, and diligent in seeking a proper identification of the almost endless universe of objects from throughout the world and throughout time that frequently show up in complete residential contents appraisals. Novotny specializes in complete residential contents appraisals. He also knows his limits which he will always disclose so that the risk of error can be discussed and agreed upon.
Find out more about Novotny's personal property and antiques appraisal background, knowledge, and experience. Review his CV on this website to see how he acquired the knowledge and experience necessary to appraise these many different personal property object types. Clients seek to minimize the cost of an appraisal service. Novotny offers his clients scope of work options, some of which can significantly cut appraisal costs.

Novotny has Appraised Far Eastern Objects (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tibetan, Thai, Cambodian, Vietnam, etc.)
General personal property appraiser Novotny lived in Japan for two years in the late 1960's while serving in the United States Army as a paratrooper near Tokyo. During his stay in Japan, he studied the history, culture, and arts of Japan and visited many museums and historical sites. He also learned to speak Japanese and to read and write both phonetic Kana and approximately 600 Kanji.
Ten years later, he became an antiques dealer. From 1979 to 1999, he bought and sold all types of far eastern objects and had an Oriental decorative arts section in his antique stores and exhibits. Since 1979, he has continued to pursue both formal and independent study of Asian decorative arts generally focusing on the ceramics, paintings, prints, furniture, textiles metal-work, ivory, lacquer, folk art, decorative, cultural, ceremonial, and collective objects, and export wares of China and Japan. He often explores objects from other Asian countries and near eastern countries along the silk road and India.
Novotny has a solid, well-grounded knowledge of common and typical Asian objects and tries to stay current with the rapidly changing and emerging market for rare, unusual, and special Far Eastern Asian objects through daily study of basic texts and by reviewing current auction results on a regular basis. Novotny has significant expertise in the appraisal process and how USPAP standards apply. Compliance with USPAP provides a basis is the best support that a valuation is worthy of belief and that significant further research and analyses.
Object Competence and Relevant Market Knowledge Is mandatory and required, as is the necessary diligence.
Any inability to complete an appraisal assignment competently must be disclosed and the remedy discussed.
Novotny has bought, sold, consigned, collected, studied, and appraised the types of objects in the above list for over 37 years. Yet within each of the above property types, there may be objects with important characteristics unfamiliar to Novotny. Clearly, no person can possess the knowledge and experience to value all movable objects that exist. Every appraiser lacks knowledge and experience to some extent.
There may be some objects for which Novotny does not conduct confirming research. Errors that could result in such scenarios will remain undetected. Novotny assumes that, if research were conducted, it would support the value opinion that was not researched. Such assumptions could affect his assignment results. Novotny is mindful to keep the client apprised of the scope of work conducted, limiting conditions that applied and extraordinary assumption that were employed.
A client may have a property type(s) for which Novotny is not competent, such as stamps, gems, and jewelry, machinery and equipment, livestock, meteorites, airplanes, intangible business assets, etc., (it’s a long list). Novotny will decline to appraise such objects (since he would lack the necessary knowledge and experience). Novotny may decline to value certain objects or disclose the need to consult with an expert at an additional cost. The client always has the option to hire a specialist in such instances.
Novotny may offer to imbed the independent work of another appraiser within his report in order for there to be only one report and help the client avoid the expense of an independent transmittal report.
If you need a generalist appraiser with solid credentials CONTACT NOVOTNY NOW
Visit the New Novotny Website