Oral Consultations
A Sales Advisory Can Be Done On-Site and quickly with a verbal appraisal.

Four hand painted fantasy panel from a famous designer's home.
Oral valuation
When Novotny provides an oral valuation the appraisal will include sufficient signed paperwork to identify the appraisal problem and important disclosures. With Novotny users can always meaningfully understand the appraisal so that proper decisions and actions can be taken relevant to intended use. The client is provided with a CV and signed appraiser's certification. Since the inventory and valuation is oral, clients typically document a Novotny oral report by means of:
Taking an audio or video tape of Novotny's oral appraisal report
Taking handwritten notes that documents and values the objects
Preparing an excel spreadsheet
Taking digital photos
Frequently Novotny, in an abbreviated oral report disclosure format, can reference and attach an appraised inventory. The report will identify the number of items in the attachment and the summary value of those items which helps authenticate the attachment.
All of the above, whether done orally or by means of a formally prepared report should be retained off-site in a safe or safety deposit box as well as in Novotny's confidential workfile.
OARD's Transmittal Cover
The client can opt to prepare an inventory prior to Novotny’s on-site inspection and oral appraisal report. The subject properties intended for appraisal can be numbered for cross referencing. When Novotny arrives with his one-page contract and OARD form the client can briefly document Novotny's object identifications and value opinions for each object as the oral appraisal proceeds. Upon completion of the oral report, the aggregate value of the objects listed on the client’s handwritten value section can be listed by hand on the OARD Form along with the total number of objects appraised. Novotny can then sign the OARD Form below the Appraiser's Certification Statement.
Signed Formal Contract
Novotny provides clients with a signed formal contract with identifies the relevant assignment elements including intended use, intended users, the appropriate value definition, the effective date, assignment conditions, and his scope or work which are repeated in his OARD's form. At the conclusion of the assignment, he can add brief statements regarding scope of work, limiting conditions, assumptions, and hypothetical conditions and other comments necessary to make the oral report more meaningful and not misleading. He can then sign the OARD's form at the bottom under his complete USPAP certification statement.
Novotny's Oral Appraisal Services
As part of Novotny's oral appraisal services, he will often communicate demand factors relevant to a subject object. For some objects, he will opine regarding competing and alternative markets and market acceptability. Knowing the demand factors and liquidation options allows clients to become sufficiently informed to negotiate with potential buyers based upon their urgency to sell and their willingness to retain a property. As part of the oral or verbal appraisal report services, Novotny typically shares with clients the two most important internet sites he uses to find comparable properties. He explains, or demonstrates, how to properly use these sites after he has gone.
Personal Property Appraiser of Art, Fine Furnishings & Rare Objects Online Appraisals Nationwide and Onsite in Los Angeles!
Special: 30 minute appraisal consult for $95 (possibly now!)
Before we can begin an online appraisal consult it is important to have a careful discussion with the client to completely understand and identify the client's intended use, intended users, their needs, objectives, priorities, time frames, budget and other relevant context. Only then can the decision be made by the appraiser to accept the assignment as competent to complete the job and determine which appraisal report type is best for the client's needs.
The burden is on the personal property appraiser to credibly, competently and ethically solve the appraisal or valuation problem presented. . Once there is an agreement to proceed it is possible to meet on Zoom immediately after sending a Zelle payment by email or cellphone.
While conducting any online personal property appraisal ALL personal property appraisers should comply with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). Novotny teaches USPAP to personal property appraisers.
INTRODUCTORY NATIONWIDE OFFER: 15 minutes online for $40 (personal property appraisers)
Online Appraisal Consulting Service for Personal Property Appraisers needing to consult with a USPAP expert as a mentoring service relating to:
- Assignment issues
- Problem identification
- Scope of work
- Identification and Research methods
- Comparative analyses
- Appraisal report review
- Abbreviated/Preliminary appraisal reports (Oral or Restricted) - Formal report writing
- Intended use, definition and relevant market questions.
- Frequently encountered or complex appraisal question
Novotny has 45+ years valuation experience with most property types, assignment types, and market levels. Why struggle with uncertainty? Get a fresh perspective about any of the above bulleted issues from a leading personal property appraisal consultant Valuation in doubt? Find out! Call to Consult now 626-292-2224